
Smudge Bundles

Smudging, the burning of herbs, is a Sacred practice used by many ancient traditions for ceremony and prayer. This ancient art it is also a wonderful form of Earth medicine to clean and purify yourself and home of unwanted or unproductive energies.  You could think of it as a form of spiritual hygiene.

Smudge Stick Bundle

Our smudges bundles are New Mexico desert sage, Palo santo, Sweet grass and an Arkansas Quartz Crystal.

Sage is a powerful cleaner and will leave you and your home sparkling. Palo Santo is a holy wood from South America and is used for its medicine of protection and bringing in friendly energy. Sweet grass (like sage) is used in ceremony throughout Native American cultures. It is used for protection, grounding and making sacred. Arkansas Quartz has great clarity and helps one in their vision work, prayer and healing. Its element is storm and works well with all chakras.  

When burning your smudge stick use a shell or piece of pottery to catch the ashes.

Palo Santo Bundle

Palo Santo is a holy wood from South America and is used for its medicine of protection and bringing in friendly energy.

When burning your smudge stick use a shell or piece of pottery to catch the ashes.